Maureen is a Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance and Certified Yoga Therapist with IAYT. She found her way to yoga after 4 back surgeries as part of her healing journey.
She teaches traditional Hatha Yoga combining breath with movement and a strong focus on alignment. Her deep knowledge of anatomy and how it relates to the poses guides students into a deeper experience.
Yoga Therapy classes follows the lineage of TKV Desikachar's, who expanded Hatha Yoga to adapt to a population of those students who had injuries or illness using Yoga as Therapy to maintain homeostasis in the body. Yoga is starting to become recognized in the medical field as part of Integrative Medicine for managing lifestyle diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, depression.
Maureen's Life Coaching blends yoga philosophy and mindfulness as part of her coaching style to get optimal results.
Maureen has published several articles:
IAYT - How to make the business of Yoga Therapy work
Yoga Journal
Voyage LA
Maureen received an "Outstanding Achievement Award" from Loyola Marymount University in the field of Yoga Therapy.
Karun hold a Masters in Yoga. He held the position of a Certified Master Teacher Trainer at Sivananda International Organization in India. He led TTC Trainings at Sivananda and ATTC also. Currently he is now part owner and teaching at Makara Yoga Shala.
Karun came to Yoga after experiencing stress early in his professional soccer career as a goalie. The discipline of yoga and meditation helped him on and off the field.
He has deep knowledge in the Vedic Teachings growing up in India. His classes are authentic Hatha Yoga combining breath and asana (physical postures). These classes build on sequences poses to build inner strength and incorporating Pranayama (breathing techniques) to create relaxation in the body and mind.
Chanting is incorporated in the beginning and end of each class.
Karun also performs puja's (blessings) which are traditional in India before any major event, such as; new home, marriage, new business venture, birth. These pujas include ancient yantra drawings that are selected for each event.
When Karun is not teaching philosophy or yoga, he coaches soccer part time at Redondo High School here in the South Bay, as well as AYSO Organization and EVO Soccer Organization.
Karun's passion is collecting vintage motorcycles and antiques.